A Miracle Beginning
The journey to becoming a parent is amazing and powerful, profound and breath-taking, as well as trying and overwhelming. It is a complex combination of so many emotions. While we often assume that conceiving a baby is as simple as 1, 2 - baby, the truth is that an intricate series of events need to occur in perfect alignment in order for this little miracle to begin. We often take conception for granted, as the event itself is rather complicated.
In any given month couples with normal functioning reproductive systems aged between 25-35, will only have a 20-25% chance of conceiving. After six months of trying, only 60% of those couples will conceive without medical assistance. The couple must have intercourse every other day during the ‘fertile window’ as sperm can stay alive for around 72 hours in the female reproductive system but after ovulation, an egg only lives for 24 hours at the most. Therefore, it really is a race against time for the sperm and egg to meet.
The female needs to release a healthy, mature ovum, which must then be picked up by a functional fallopian tube. The male must produce healthy sperm and deposit it in the vagina, near the cervical opening. Sperm have to be proficient swimmers and relatively robust as the vagina is a very acidic and deadly environment - many sperm die within minutes of their arrival. These tiny microscopic cells must then make it through the cervix, uterus and into the fallopian tube where one healthy sperm can attempt to breach the egg’s protective layers.
The fertilised embryo needs to retain the correct number of chromosomes from both the egg and the sperm. While some embryos with flawed DNA continue on with development (resulting in genetic disorders, such as Down’s syndrome), most will discontinue cell division. After fertilisation has occurred it is vital that the wall of the uterus is healthy, as to enable the fertilised embryo to implant.
Conception truly is a miracle
Whew! The fact that conception happens at all truly is miraculous! Even the slightest veering off the complicated course from either the sperm or the egg will prevent pregnancy from occurring. Furthermore, there are a plethora of issues that can put up roadblocks to conception. Lifestyle factors, medical conditions in both men and women, genetic factors, intercourse timing issues and even stress or anxiety can contribute to difficulties with conceiving.
Conception can be exasperatingly tricky. When deciding to become a parent it is imperative that you also take into account your eating habits, fitness levels, reproductive health, and even when and how to have sex. The list of considerations is extensive and it can certainly leave you feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to even begin.
That is exactly why we created our Miracle Conception guides. We believe in empowering yourself through knowledge and we provide all the information you may need about sexual health, nutrition, relationship dynamics, preparing a healthy environment for baby, and your mindset.
It’s about relating to one another, and realising that you are not alone in your quest.
The philosophy behind Miracle Beginnings revolves around the concept of nurturing every part of your life as we embark on this miracle journey to parenthood, together.